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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Chuck Promo

After 2 weeks of Chucklessness, the new promo for Chuck finally came out. Jeffster comes back, Buymorons remain true to their name, Casey's tooth gets pulled, Sarah acquires a southern accent, and Chuck wonders if... (I won't spoil the entire promo for you. You have to watch it ;)). Shirtless people, tiger, sniper, missile and more kick-ass fights are also included.

I can't wait for this Chuck hiatus to end. Until then, I think I'll rewatch the promo again to get my Chuck fix. Oh, and don't forget to watch the next episode of Chuck (vs the Fake Name) on March 1, NBC 8/7c.

Note: The video includes scenes from more than one episode of Chuck. I am still waiting for the teaser/trailer for Episode 8.

Check out the video:


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheika! Lol @ the Ustream video of that tiger.
