Hos N Bros

Hos N Bros
We have moved to a new site!

Twitter / CSoHos

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Chuck's Stable of Hos has moved!

The Chuck's Stable of Hos has expanded and migrated to a new site. You can still read CSoHos posts as well as listen to podcasts in our new home:

See you there!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Get Your Subway On

So guys and gals, Chuck is back on with a new episode in a few days. I know a lot of you don't need to be reminded but for those few who do, don't forget to visit your local Subway on March 1. I believe they are still doing the "regular footlong for $5" deal so there should be no excuses! Mondays should automatically mean Chuck-way by now. I mean, it's just nice to support the people who support your show... right? Awesome.

Zac Levi has mastered the art of "gettin' your Subway on"


  1. I think everyone should post pics of their subway come this Monday. I wonder if we can somehow do a subway feed directly on this site for everyone to see the pics...
