Hos N Bros

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ANNOUNCEMENT: The Chuck's Stable of Hos has moved!

The Chuck's Stable of Hos has expanded and migrated to a new site. You can still read CSoHos posts as well as listen to podcasts in our new home:

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And the winner is...

Ivy aka FiliHOno!!!!!!!!

If you didn't know, the NBC store was having a contest to win the most awesome mega-package ever!  The contest was to take a picture with your Chuck gear and send it to the store.  NBC says it was a tough decision but after seeing this picture I'm thinking it was easy.

Congrats Ivy and enjoy your mega-package (remember to share the love).  And thank you to the NBC Store for once again being awesome!

1 comment:

  1. SO PROUD OF YOU IVY!!! :) Didn't know they were having a contest either. But I'm so glad that Ivy won. She truly deserves it!!!! Yes, I agree Emily. I don't think that NBC had a hard time picking Ivy as their winner. Her room is CHUCKalicious and Ivy is simply CHUCKtastic! :)

