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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Silly Nielsen, don't underestimate Chuck fans.

Alright Chuck fans, it's down to the wire with the renewal news and I know we're all itching for ways to help and save our favorite show. We know the Subway thing won't work, the only thing that will work this year is ratings right?

What if I told you I knew a way to maybe cheat the system? Would that be something you'd be interested in?

That's a bad way of putting it but here goes. Friday I went with a friend to see Iron Man 2 (which I thought was awesome, by the way - hated Sam Rockwell, though) and as we were coming out of the theater there was a little set up of about three computers, with a big Nielsen sign over them. There were a couple guys there, trying to get people to come over, that had Nielsen badges and later told us that they worked for the company. Basically what it was, was a website that they took you to and you took a little survey on a show that you watched last night and depending on the amount of points you rack up during the survey, you can get entered to win cool prizes. It's questions about the episode and the commercials between it, super easy stuff if you actually watched the episode (unlike me, who did an episode of Bones just to do it). But that's beside the point.

So I was talking to the guy who was telling me how to do it and I asked if I could do a show that aired on Monday. He said no, only shows that aired the night before and they only work on weekends. So I asked if there was a way to do it from home and he said of course, that they'd send me an email with the website to go on at home and you can keep doing it to keep earning points for prizes, which was really cool.

The coolest part? Apparently doing these surveys counts towards the ratings.

I didn't get clarification on how or when these get counted, obviously they're not included in the fast nationals, but that's still a very cool little point for us Chuck fans who are always looking for ways to raise our ratings.

Here's the plan, then. On Tuesday, it doesn't matter where you are or when you do it (so long as it's TUESDAY) go to www.rewardtv.com (I know that website sounds like a scam but it's not) and create a login, enter your information.

There'll be a little table towards the bottom of the page where you can pick the show you watched the night before. Click on Chuck and then click the button that says "Play Selected Games." It'll take you to the survey, which is just like a quiz based on the episode that you watched and the commercials it showed. It only took me a couple minutes and then I was done and they later sent me an email confirming that I'd done it.

See? Easy!

Like I said, I don't know how or when these numbers get counted, but I figured we Chuck fans know how to rally and inundate websites like no other. Every little bit helps and this is an easy way to get yourself counted, even if you don't have a Nielsen box. We'll tweet about it and spread this news around up until Tuesday, too, but please pass this around and get this news out. We could use all the help we could get!

How about it Chuck fans, ready to rally once more?


  1. That's an awesome find! I guess that expensive movie ticket did pay off. Lol. Great movie and extra knowledge :)

  2. Interesting... you say it's like a quiz, the prob is I'm in the UK so I don't see the commercials. Do you think I'd be able to do it?

  3. Well, people could post the 'correct' answers to the commercials questions, for the rest of us to fill in. And if you're not in the U.S. you can use a U.S. proxy so you show up as a U.S. viewer: http://tinyurl.com/28u7zo7

  4. ok, someone post the answers please; we won't get the episode here for a month (Turkey) but I'll take the quiz. Gotta have Season 4!!!

  5. "He said no, only shows that aired the night before and they only work on weekends."

    What did you mean by only work on weekends? Is Chuck an eligible show since it's on Mondays?

  6. Andrew: The guys only worked there on the weekends trying to get people to take the surveys, is what I meant. Meaning we couldn't go to the theater and do it on Tuesday, which is why I asked if we could do it from home :)

  7. Ah, ok thanks for the clarification. Makes sense. Nice recon work there, just like a budding spy. Couple that with a bit of internet espionage and I think we have something :).

  8. Can international fans do it? I mean if we knew what to answer in the commercials part and stuff.

  9. I am betting the questions about commercials are only to see how well they worked on you -- I bet it doesn't matter if you get them right to get it counted? I could be wrong.

  10. Yeah i'm in China but have 15 US VPN's so technically could do it 15 times, i'd just need someone to whack up the commercial stuff!!

  11. Nice work, Jordan. This'll be fun. ;)

    Hopefully it'll help!

  12. I love it. Hack Nielson! Just wish we found this out earlier...

    Hack Nielson! Save Chuck!

  13. I just wanted to point out the rules say that you cannot post the answers to the questions for the games on any forum or your account will be invalidated as it is a violation of the membership agreement.

    I like this idea, but we don't want any negative press. Watch the show live and play the games after by yourself. We don't need to have any negative press...

  14. Thanks a MIllion! We need all the Help we can get.

  15. hi! im living in the philippines and im watching fresh episodes of chuck online. when i heard that chuck was on a bubble i browsed the web to find ways on how i could help but sad to say most of the things i found greatly involves people who are living in the U.S.and is very limited to international fans, so as a chuck fan i was really dissappointed.
    but reading this is actually great news....but how could i answer the commercial questions and how could i get a U.S proxy??...need help.

  16. maey check the posts above those will answer your questions and 4 the commercial questions ... e.g. https://twitter.com/Nicky_Reinoehl/status/13761500971

  17. I just put in a USA postal code that I knew matched a State, as I am in Canada. I would the answers posted on Tumblr

  18. Please don't post links that may jeopardized Chuck.
