Hos N Bros

Hos N Bros
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ANNOUNCEMENT: The Chuck's Stable of Hos has moved!

The Chuck's Stable of Hos has expanded and migrated to a new site. You can still read CSoHos posts as well as listen to podcasts in our new home:

See you there!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Zachary Levi shows the love...

Here is another video I have from the parade:

Zac being great to his fans.

Note: I have another video but it was taking wayyyy too long to update. It was a little speech Zac made about being back in Ventura and being selected as the Grand Marshall. It isnt anything too exciting but if enough people really want it


  1. I wouldn't mind seeing your other video, but if it is too much trouble to upload it don't worry about it. You've already done a ton! :) -reesespuff27

  2. I'll try posting it up on YouTube later tonight :)
