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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chuck Fans Like Their Chuck Swag

MICK'S DVDs - The single most essential piece of Chuck Swag

One of the first things I realized about Chuck Fans - they love their Chuck stuff, t-shirts, posters, bags. So, I figured a post to celebrate Chuck fans and their favorite possessions was in order.

Let's start with perhaps the most famous Chuck signed item, Ivy's WII. I didn't even know Ivy when I first read twitter posts about the WII girl. "What is this WII girl?" I asked.

Ms. Ivy lugged her WII around COMIC CON, battled her way into the WB's ridiculous, hellacious autograph queues and had the cast sign her WII.

As Josh Gomez signed on it, "This is the coolest thing I have ever signed!"

Ivy definitely wins the award for perseverance & creativity.

Ivy also brought her WII to Chuckfest where she snagged more signatures on it.

And the idea caught on because Bailey was getting autos on her Nintendo DS at Chuckfest. And Josh commented to her about how much he loves signing electronics.

<---Vanna proudly shows off her signed poster. I like her style here (mostly because I too show off my signed poster!)

I love this item. Vanna proves she has

truly joined the Nerd Herd. ---->

I like Nicky's approach here. She focuses on the DVDs and charity. Nice job Nicky.

You definitely have your priorities in excellent order!

I like what Jaime did here. She used a shadow box to enclose a bunch of items, very clever. Jamie's entire study space is Chuck-alicious. She must get good grades with all that Chuck & Nerd Herd energy floating around. ------->

Sam sent a picture of her Comic Con poster proudly adorning her bordello red wall. Very nice Sam; it looks AWESOME! --------->

[Jordan commented that she wants one of these posters. So if anyone has one to spare, hook a gal up!]

Emily also went the signed poster route, seems like a big fan favorite. She includes the Chuck t-shirt from Chuckfest. But, Emily - it looks like you've never worn that shirt! We want a picture of you wearing it!

On the left side, Ivy's room, much to Mama Revilla's despair. Mama seems to think there is such a thing as too much Chuck stuff & that Ivy has crossed that line.
Pshaw, I say.
Above, Ivy even has custom Chuck license plate. Stylin'!

<------- Here's a unique item - Ivy's Chuck Laptop Skin. Cool. Every Nerd Herder should have one.

So, you ask - where is Mary's Chuck Swag. I got some stuff, I do.
But for my birthday, I asked for a Chuck Me t-shirt.
So, I'm holding out until it arrives and will post that pic!
(Sadly, I was told it is so popular that it is on backorder.)

I leave you with one of the most sought after pieces of fans swag ANYWHERE:


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