Hos N Bros

Hos N Bros
We have moved to a new site!

Twitter / CSoHos

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Chuck's Stable of Hos has moved!

The Chuck's Stable of Hos has expanded and migrated to a new site. You can still read CSoHos posts as well as listen to podcasts in our new home:

See you there!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

2nd Episode- "LOVE"

This is the second episode of Chuck's Stable of Hos' Podcast. The theme is love, influenced by the belated holiday of Valentine's Day.

UPDATED: Follow this new link to listen, subscribe, or download on iTunes

Guests in this episode: @AgentChuck003 (Richard) and @hhooppyy (Jaime)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

"The Piano Lesson"

As some of you might know, Mark Christopher Lawrence, our favorite Buy More manager extraordinaire, has been busy performing in “The Piano Lesson” this whole month of February. The play involves a brother and sister who argue about whether or not to sell their family piano. The brother, Boy Willie (played by MCL), wants to sell the piano to buy the land that his family worked on as slaves. On the other hand, his sister Berniece insists on keeping the musical instrument for she feels that it is more than just an heirloom. I attended the matinee performance today and this is a quick rundown of what happened.

The production is being held at the Cygnet Theatre, the only Theatre in beautiful Old Town, San Diego. I personally haven’t been to the place before, but it was quite easy to find. Parking, on the other hand, —eh, not so much. I walked up to the box office with the $30 in hand for the ticket, but low and behold, I only had to pay $15 because I was a student. SCORE! With the ticket in hand and a big smile on my face (you’d have one too if you had an extra $15 that you didn’t think you’d have), I went inside. It’s a nice little theatre—inviting and intimate.

My tweet pic of the stage before the play began.

My friends were too cheap to accompany me but it turned out for the best. To my left and to my right were two very nice people who had no clue about our favorite show. I told them that the main reason I was watching the play was to support Mark Christopher Lawrence, fellow San Diegan and character on the best show on tv (yes, I said that), Chuck. I didn’t have time to explain the concept of the show for the play began but I got that chance during intermission. I don’t want to say that I’ve converted two more people to the show but what I can say is that they promised to check it out.

Now on to my impressions of the play. I’m no critic but I thought the play was great. I mean, any play that can make you feel sadness and warmth and make you laugh all at the same has to be A-okay in anyone’s book. Mark Christopher Lawrence was phenomenal. He’s awesome as Big Mike on Chuck but his role in this play took his acting skills to a whole different level. He brought it—from his intense, visceral facial expressions to his surprisingly AWESOME singing voice, he done gone and brought it. At the end of the play, as I was standing there clapping and shouting as Mark stepped up to bow, all I can think to myself was, “Chuck is lucky to have Mark Christopher Lawrence on the show.”

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are you CHUCK enough?

So I was trying to think of a good slogan to go along with our "Iron Chuck" game we're going to start doing in our podcast. Truth be told, the first slogan I came up with was a variation on Gatorade's slogan, but Chuck style: "Is Chuck in you?" But I digress...

"Iron CHUCK" is the name of the game, my friends. If you think you're Chuck enough, let us know in either a comment below, a tweet, a personal telegram, etc. You will take on one of Hos for a battle of Chuck trivia based on certain topics of the show. This will be live and recorded in the broadcast, so the smack down laid by either you or one of the hos will always be remembered. Now, you may be wondering-- who cares? Is the glory and pride not good enough for you? That is why Rose (PG HO) came up with a (enter synonym of 'awesome') interweb graphic/badge to go along with your Iron Chuck Pimp page on this blog.

Yes, this means you will be pimped out.

So jump on the bandwagon. Don't get run over by the bus. Test your Chuckness against the so-called "best."*

*A/N: I'm not calling myself the best. Take that into consideration, please.

-Sam (wild and crazy Ho, Queen of the Hos, Faux Ho)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Follow Us!

Follow the Chuck's Stable of Hos' Twitter Page:


Boom Boom Pow! Game

Are you itching to punch or kick Shaw, Hannah, Jill or Sydney? Well, then go play Boom Boom Pow! game made by yours truly. You can access the game by clicking here or by clicking the link under the Games tab of this website. Chuck it out and do leave comments and suggestions. Enjoy!

Spreading the Chuck <3,

Podcast Alley

Our podcast has now been added to Podcast Alley. What is the point you ask? Well according to Podcast Alley there are lots of reasons but the only one we care about is making it more accessible to all of you.

Remember Listen. Laugh. Enjoy. And if you really love us Vote too :)

Get Your Subway On

So guys and gals, Chuck is back on with a new episode in a few days. I know a lot of you don't need to be reminded but for those few who do, don't forget to visit your local Subway on March 1. I believe they are still doing the "regular footlong for $5" deal so there should be no excuses! Mondays should automatically mean Chuck-way by now. I mean, it's just nice to support the people who support your show... right? Awesome.

Zac Levi has mastered the art of "gettin' your Subway on"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Join the YvonneOnEllen Group on Facebook

Do you have a facebook account? Yes? Yeah? Ugh huh? Okay, good. That means you can join the YvonneOnEllen group! Like... now! That's if you haven't already. The name is self-explanatory-- no codes to crack here. Yvonne Strahovski should be on The Ellen Show because we all know what an amazing actress she is and her guesting on the show would be all kinds of awesome! They can talk about her Australian accent, her dance background, do some kung-fu fighting! Yeah!

Once you've joined, don't forget to post pictures and/or videos you may have of Yvonne. There's also a discussions page where you can post your thoughts on all Yvonne Strahovski/Sarah Walker related things.

And since you have a Facebook account, you most likely have a Twitter one too. If you're on there, please feel free to tweet @theellenshow your thoughts on why Yvonne would make a great guest on her show. Don't forget to hashtag! #YvonneOnEllen

In Chuck Spirit and Pride,

New Chuck Promo

After 2 weeks of Chucklessness, the new promo for Chuck finally came out. Jeffster comes back, Buymorons remain true to their name, Casey's tooth gets pulled, Sarah acquires a southern accent, and Chuck wonders if... (I won't spoil the entire promo for you. You have to watch it ;)). Shirtless people, tiger, sniper, missile and more kick-ass fights are also included.

I can't wait for this Chuck hiatus to end. Until then, I think I'll rewatch the promo again to get my Chuck fix. Oh, and don't forget to watch the next episode of Chuck (vs the Fake Name) on March 1, NBC 8/7c.

Note: The video includes scenes from more than one episode of Chuck. I am still waiting for the teaser/trailer for Episode 8.

Check out the video:


Chuck Fans Like Their Chuck Swag

MICK'S DVDs - The single most essential piece of Chuck Swag

One of the first things I realized about Chuck Fans - they love their Chuck stuff, t-shirts, posters, bags. So, I figured a post to celebrate Chuck fans and their favorite possessions was in order.

Let's start with perhaps the most famous Chuck signed item, Ivy's WII. I didn't even know Ivy when I first read twitter posts about the WII girl. "What is this WII girl?" I asked.

Ms. Ivy lugged her WII around COMIC CON, battled her way into the WB's ridiculous, hellacious autograph queues and had the cast sign her WII.

As Josh Gomez signed on it, "This is the coolest thing I have ever signed!"

Ivy definitely wins the award for perseverance & creativity.

Ivy also brought her WII to Chuckfest where she snagged more signatures on it.

And the idea caught on because Bailey was getting autos on her Nintendo DS at Chuckfest. And Josh commented to her about how much he loves signing electronics.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Now up on iTunes!

Our first episode of our podcast is now up on iTunes.

Click this to get to our podcast on iTunes

Download. Enjoy. Subscribe.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

BOOM BOOM POW Game by Rose

Don't forget to check out the game created by our very own Rose where you can take a jab or kick at favorites like Shaw and Hannah. Enjoy!

Play the game

Note: There is a permanent link for this game on the right hand sidebar so you'll always be able to find it.

The Chuck-ed Out WB Tour

For anyone who doesn’t know, the WB offers a tour that you can take around the lot to see the sets and behind-the-scenes of their shows. This Friday a few of us Chuck fans went on that tour- Chuck style.