I know many Chuck fans from twitter are heading to SDCC for the first time in order to see the Chuck panel. This is good since we know Chuck loves Comic-Con from all the SDCC goodies hanging in the background in many scenes! And it will be great to meet all you crazed Chuckaholics.
Larry asked on twitter today about what he needs to do to guarantee getting into the panel. Sadly, there isn't an easy answer. Let me explain why.
Panel on Saturday:
I think it is fairly safe to say the Chuck panel will be on Saturday. It's been on Saturday the first two years and Yvonne tweeted something about how she wanted to do the panel and attend her charity event in LA that day.
The first year Chuck had a late afternoon slot in Ballroom 20. Last year, it had the opening time slot. Since Yvonne has a conflict, it is possible Chuck will get an early slot again (but no guarantee - the studios don't control this).
Opening Slot:
So, you think - easy....opening slot so I'll get in line at 9 and I'm in. Wellllllll, not so fast. If Chuck has the opening slot BUT something huge like True Blood follows it, you need to get in line much earlier because TB was one of, if not the biggest, Ballroom 20 draws last year. There is some speculation that TB will have a Hall H slot (very rare occurrence for tv, usually only for the likes of Lost) but there are other tv shows that draw droves of devoted fans (think a panel with Whedon or Abrams on it).
If getting into that Chuck panel is your absolute #1 priority, then no problem. Get there at least 2 hours early to queue and you'll get in. This rule should hold unless the panel is mid-afternoon with super popular shows scheduled before and after. Rooms are NOT emptied between panels but usually 50% attrition occurs if genre changes. Much less attrition occurs when panels with huge overlap in fan bases are scheduled back-to-back.
I'll do another post once the schedule is released (two weeks before, released one excruciating day at a time). I'll examine the panels before & after as well as what is going on in Hall H to draw crowds away. If Chuck has the opening slot with no mega-panel after it, then it won't be hard to get in, probably get in line an hour early if you aren't worried about getting in too close. There are huge screens so you are guaranteed up close & personal view. I know some of you (yes, I'm looking at the Hos) plan on sleeping on the cold, hard cement. That is one approach that will get you in.
One Last Thought:
The Chuck panel may NOT be the only place to see Chuck people. Last year, Zac & Josh participated in the TV Guide panel (and of course stole the show). Adam Baldwin sold his autograph from a table for those willing to pay $30. The whole crew was in town early to attend the EW party on Friday night and were roaming around.
This year, Zac may well be part of the Disney Hall H movie presentation on Thursday or Friday for Tangled. (Each studio gets a chunk of time and decides what movies it will bring.) Another possibility is that Tangled might have a panel Sunday since Sunday is Kids' Day.
OK, One More Last Thought:
WB gives away its much sought after giant bags each day. One show is represented on each side. The last two years, there was a Chuck bag. Now, since it is its 3rd year, it is possible there will be no Chuck bag but you want to watch out for this. Also, last year there was the cool Chuck CC poster. We knew in advance this existed and had to hang around the WB booth begging to find out when they were released. It was worth it though - such a cool poster.
Just thought of this:
The Chuck group almost certainly will sign autographs at the WB booth before or after its panel. But, if you attend the panel, you have little chance of managing to get into the autograph line because WB mishandles the queuing so badly. Cross your fingers that the WB changes how it handles the autograph lines this year!
Feel free to email questions re: SDCC to csohos@gmail.com